Saturday, July 9, 2011

Little League Reinstates Blogger's Son -

The Commack North Little League has reinstated a teen after banning him last week because his mother wrote a blog post criticizing the organization, the league has confirmed.

"I received an email from Mike Campione, the president of the CNLL today. He apologized to me and reinstated my son, inviting him to come back to the league next year if he wants to play," Loren Boiarsky told readers of Commack Patch.

Boiarsky's initial blog post on Patch,?Calling a Foul on Commack North Little League, started a flurry of comments on the site, many from league board members defending league practices.

It eventually led to Campione calling up the blogger and?banning her son from the league, citing violation of the league's policy on spreading negativity about the league. No written terms, however, forbidding parents from criticizing the league ever surfaced, but Campione on Friday released a copy of the policy that was read to parents at a March 24 board meeting.

League board member Michael Ende confirmed the boy's reinstatement.

"Ms. Boiarsky’s son was reinstated and will be permitted to register to participate in little league," he said in an email.

After news broke that the league had banned the boy, another storm of comments followed, many showing their support for the teen and his mother and directing their own criticisms toward the league.

The debate spurred Campione to jump in and ask for tempers to settle down.

"This matter has escalated to a level beyond anyone’s imagination and, for the sake of our community, this has to stop now," he wrote.

Campione added that the league plans to schedule a public meeting for league parents and league organizers.

Not date or venue for that meeting has been set.

View the original article here

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