It has been interesting to see the national and international press latch onto a story that was printed locally last week suggesting that Glastonbury is now officially a top UFO hotspot.?

Following a Freedom of Information request made by the Central Somerset Gazette to the Avon and Somerset Police asking "How many 999 calls containing the words UFO, spaceship, alien or flying saucer from Street or Glastonbury have been logged over the past five years including date of each call" it appears that between February 2007 and August 2011 a total of 27 calls were made that fitted these criteria.? Further analysis of the content of some of the conversations and their timings however may indicate that some of these calls which cluster together may have in fact been made by the same person.? For example during calls made on 15th, 16th, 17th and 21 August 2009 the content was very similar in each case:
1)??? Caller talked about world affairs, alien affairs and winning of God
2)??? Caller spoke about their influence with aliens
3)??? Caller advised they are the recognised son of god on this earth and the alien planet
4)??? Caller said they had powers to rule the world and govern religion and aliens
In other instances one caller advised they were in hospital with Aliens and Charlie Kray; another stated UFOs were in their living room causing their dog to draw pictures on the window while saints were looking through it; and another merely claimed to have spoken to Buckingham Palace about aliens, which suggests the callers were probably not supplying real evidence, so it appears that we may not be as inundated by visitors from far-off planets as this report suggests.
Of course the flipside of this is that there are numerous sightings in the area this year that are not reported as people think that their genuine sighting will not be taken seriously, while others are reported to UFO magazines, websites and the media without being passed to the police.
I am naturally quite a sceptical person but I have actually witnessed a UFO in the Mendips back in 2004 at a time when there were several similar sightings in the area.? This was a black triangular/silent vulcan type craft that appeared to be hovering in the sky while a helicopter circled behind, and while I am convinced it was a man made rather than extra-terrestrial craft it was never formally identified.
Has anyone here actually witnessed a UFO?? Do you think aliens exist or do you think the whole idea is preposterous?? Let us know below.
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